Fence Removal
Date published: 30 March, 2015
This is only available where the applicant has provided clear justification that it is necessary in order to deliver benefits to an area that is in a complimentary Sustainable Management of Forests option, or within a black grouse or capercaillie core area.
This item is eligible where a fence is required to be removed in order to achieve the objectives of habitat enhancement or management where we agree that, without its removal, the fence will prevent you from meeting the objectives of the Woodland Improvement Grant – Habitats and Species option.
Applicants looking to benefit black grouse or capercaillie must provide evidence that removing the fence will benefit the birds through submission of an endorsement from your local capercaillie / black grouse project officer or RSPB advisory officer.
If there is a capercaillie / black grouse management plan for the site this should be included.
The fence should be completely dismantled and all materials should be removed from the site for re-use, recycling, or disposal in a suitable landfill site recognised by the local authority.
This capital item is not available to fund the removal of old fencing which is being replaced with new fencing.
Further information
Fence Marking to Reduce Grouse Collisions
Technical Guide: Forest Fencing
Please make sure you abide by conditions set out in the Forestry Grant Scheme claim form and guidance.
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