Gabion Basket Retaining Wall for Path
Date published: 30 March, 2015
This is for the installation of hand-filled metal mesh gabion baskets used to create revetments for the purpose of stabilising new or existing constructed footpaths.
Your Woods In and Around Towns Operational Plan map must clearly identify where the gabion basket retaining wall will be located.
Gabion basket:
- gabion baskets should be one metre wide by one metre high
- excavated to create a hard base
- soil loosened and raked level or a bed of sand laid
- basket filled with selected stone, laid and built-up to avoid sagging or movement
- shattered rock and fines rammed into cracks to firm-up the fill to level surfaces
- water lead-off the path at suitable intervals; includes cut-off drains
- finished off with turf laid along path edge
- brush soil into stonework and seed, to help stabilise and give a more natural look
Further information
Please ensure you abide by conditions set out in the Forestry Grant Scheme claim form and guidance.
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