Scottish Rural Network

The Scottish Rural Network (SRN) encourages rural development by sharing information, ideas and good practice.
We work with, and for, anyone who lives, works or has an interest in rural Scotland.
The aims of the Scottish Rural Network are to:
- Get more people from rural communities, businesses and the wider public involved in policy developments that affect them
- Help improve the delivery of the Scottish Rural Development Programme
- Inform farmers, rural businesses and communities about policy and funding opportunities
- Encourage innovation in agriculture, food production, forestry and rural areas
- Promoting the Scottish Rural Development Programme
- Producing short videos showcasing innovative and inspiring projects
- Working in partnership with other organisations to support events such as the OECD Rural Development Conference in Edinburgh in April 2018, the Scottish Rural Parliament and the Rural Transport Convention
- Working with partners to deliver the Rural Innovation Support Service, which helps farmers, foresters and crofters find practical, sustainable solutions to everyday challenges affecting their business
- Supporting other Scottish Government policy areas
- Engaging with rural organisations and communities
- Hosting visits from people interested in rural development from across the Europe
Visit the Scottish Rural Network website to:
- Get a weekly round-up of rural news direct to your inbox
- Find out about funding opportunities
- Share your news and events with others
- Discover inspiring and innovative projects
- Transform your ideas into Scottish, UK or EU projects
Follow us on social media
The Scottish Rural Network is part of a wider network of National Rural Networks across the UK and Europe.
- English Rural Network
- Northern Irish Rural Network
- Wales Rural Network
Service delivery
This service is delivered through: