Primary Treatment of Bracken – Manual

This is an old version of the page

Date published: 21 December, 2015

Date superseded: 26 August, 2017

To see recent changes to this guidance, check the bottom of this page.

The aim of this item is to benefit moorland, heathland and grassland habitats by reducing or eradicating bracken cover and preventing habitat loss.

On some areas of land, for example very steep slopes, chemical or mechanical control may not always be appropriate. In these areas manual control may be more appropriate.

Controlling bracken can also help to restore a more open structure to the existing vegetation, which will encourage native plants to thrive and provide better habitat for wildlife.

Moorland, heathland or unimproved grassland with bracken is eligible.

You must combine this item with one of the following management options:

You must prepare a bracken management plan, which must include a 1:2,500 or 1:10,000 map showing the extent of the bracken and the areas to be treated. You must estimate how many hectares of follow-up cutting will be undertaken in subsequent years.

  • you must treat the area as detailed in your bracken management plan by cutting to sever the bracken fronds
  • you must maintain a diary which includes the dates treatment was undertaken

You must submit your claim between 1 September and 30 September 30.

You can claim £150.00 per hectare of treated land.

You may apply for payment on an actual cost basis for this item if the work you are proposing to carry out will benefit the notified features of a designated site and where there are exceptional circumstances.

Pillar One ineligible land can be treated, but cannot be claimed for payment.

The inspectors will check:

  • the location and extent of the work
  • you have treated the area as detailed in your bracken management plan
  • you have maintained a diary which includes the dates treatment was undertaken

Section Change Previous text New text
Application requirementsInformation on follow-up cutting added.You must prepare a bracken management plan, which must include a 1:2,500 or 1:10,000 map showing the extent of the bracken and the areas to be treated.You must prepare a bracken management plan, which must include a 1:2,500 or 1:10,000 map showing the extent of the bracken and the areas to be treated. You must estimate how many hectares of follow-up cutting will be undertaken in subsequent years.
PaymentInformation added on applications for actual costs.-You may apply for payment on an actual cost basis for this item if the work you are proposing to carry out will benefit the notified features of a designated site and where there are exceptional circumstances.

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